Customer Phone Portal - Advanced Features

Simultaneous Ring Personal

Simultaneous Ring Personal allows you to list up to 10 phone numbers you would like to ring in addition to your primary phone when you receive a call. This feature is helpful when you are not at your phone but you would like your cell phone to ring when you get a call. You can also turn off simultaneous ring when you are at your desk on a call. The criteria for each Simultaneous Ring entry can be a list of up to 12 phone numbers or digit patterns, a specified time schedule, and a specified holiday schedule. All criteria for an entry must be satisfied for the call to enter Simultaneous Ring (phone number and day of week and time of day). If the criteria do not match, the call continues as if this service was not turned on. Warning: if your cell phone or other phone has voice mail that picks up before your digital phone voice messaging picks up, your voice mails could be on your cell phone messaging system!  This feature is off by default.

To Activate via Portal:

  • Select On and if desired click the checkbox for "Do not ring my Simultaneous Ring Numbers if I am already on a call".
  • Enter the phone numbers that should ring simultaneously with the digital phone service.
  • Select the checkbox if a answer confirmation is required for the numbers provided.
  • Click Apply

To create a schedule:

  • Enter a description to remind you of the preferences set.
  • Select "Use simultaneous ring personal" or "Do not use simultaneous ring personal".
  • Pick a "Selected Time Schedule".
  • Specify the calls from type
    • Any phone number
    • Or Following phone numbers: Any private number or Any unavailable number
    • Specific phone numbers, up to 12 can be listed
  • Click Add.
  • Repeat as necessary to add additional schedules.

To set a schedule:

  • Click the checkbox for "active" for whichever schedule you want to be active.  Click Apply.  The change is effective immediately.

Broadworks Anywhere

This feature is similar to Simultaneous Ringing, but allows you to pull active calls from your cell phone to your digital phone (or vice versa).  This feature can be activated, or its options changed using the Customer Portal or access codes.  This feature is off by default.

To Activate via Portal:

  • If needed, select the checkboxes for "Alert all locations for Click to Dial calls" or "Alert all locations for Group Paging calls".  If inapplicable, leave unchecked.
  • Click Add.
  • Enter the phone number you would like to link to the account.
  • Provide a description.
  • Configured Advanced Options, as needed.
  • Click Apply.

To set Selective Criteria:

  • Select the "Selective Criteria" tab.  Click Add.
  • Enter a description.
  • Select one of the following options "Use broadworks anywhere" or "Do not use broadworks anywhere" for the specific telephone number.
  • Select Time Schedule to observe these settings.
  • Specify the calls from in order to use this number for Broadworks Anywhere
    • Any external phone number
    • Or following phone number types: Any private number or any unavailable number.
    • Specific phone numbers, up to 12 can be configured as well.
  • Select OK
  • If multiple criterias exist, make sure the ones that should be active are checked.

To Deactivate via Portal:

  • Click Delete.  This will immediately delete the configured phone number for use.

Handling Calls:

  • To pull a call from a cell phone:
    • Draw dial tone and press *11.
  • To pull a call to a cell phone:
    • Go off hook on the cell phone and dial the 10-digit broadsoft Anywhere number (the specified number).
    • A recording will state "enter your passcode followed by the # key".  The passcode is the 4 digit voice mail passcode that was activated for voice mail services.
    • Another recording will state "please enter the destination digits" and a second dial tone will be heard.
    • Press *11

To Activate via telephone: To activate from a cell phone, call specified number, enter passcode, then *12 when you get a dial tone.

To Deactivate via telephone: To deactivate from a cell phone, call specified number, enter passcode, then *13 when you get a dial tone.

CommPilot Express

CommPilot Express allows you to pre-configure four profiles to control your inbound calls. These profiles can quickly be changed using the web or phone when you leave your desk or when you are at a remote location. If you use CommPilot Express, it takes precedence over some of your other service settings associated with processing incoming calls.  The available profiles are "Available - In the Office", "Available - Out of the Office", "Busy", and "Unavailable".  This feature is off by default.  Each profile includes preferences for managing the relevant call functions, for example, Call Forwarding (Busy, No Answer, Always and Selective), Voice Messaging, Simultaneous Ringing and Call Notify.  If a user elects to use CommPilot Express, it takes preference over all other service settings associated with processing incoming calls.

To Activate via Portal:

  • Select Profile (Default none).  Click Apply.  The feature is available immediately.

To Manage Profiles via Portal:

  • Available - In the Office: Additional Options include:
    • Also ring to this phone number - provide number
    • If Busy: Select "Have Voice Messaging take the call" or "Forward to this phone number" - provide phone number.
    • If No Answer: Select "Have Voice Messaging take the call" or "Forward to this phone number" - provide phone number.
    • Scroll down and click "Apply".
  • Available - Out of the Office - Additional Options include:
    • When a call comes in: Select "Have Voice Messaging take the call" or "Forward to this phone number" - provide phone number
    • If needed, select checkbox "Also notify me by email when a call comes in" - provide email address.
    • Scroll down and click "Apply".
  • Busy
    • Select "Send all calls to Voice Messaging except calls from these phone numbers (provide up to three numbers), then move to option "Which will be forwarded to this phone number" - provide phone number.
    • If needed, select checkbox "Also notify me by email when a call comes in" - provide email address.
    • Scroll down and click "Apply".
  • Unavailable
    • Select "Send all calls to Voice Messaging except calls from these phone numbers (provide up to three numbers), then move to option "Which will be forwarded to this phone number" - provide phone number.
    • Additional options include, "Have Voice Messaging take the call using" - No Answer Greeting or Unavailable Greeting.
    • Click Apply.

Priority Alert

Priority Alert allows you to make your phone ring with a different ring based on your pre-defined criteria. Use this service if you want to know when a specific person calls such as your manager or spouse or when you would like to easily tell when a call is from inside your group or outside your group. The criteria for each Priority Alert entry can be a list of up to 12 phone numbers or digit patterns and specified time schedule. All criteria for an entry must be true for the phone to ring with a different tone (phone number and day of week and time of day).  This feature is off by default.

To Activate via Portal:

  • Provide Description (to remember the configuration).
  • Select the following options "Use priority alert" or "Do not use priority alert".
  • Select Time Schedule.
  • Select how to filter calls:
    • Any phone number
    • Following phone numbers "Any private number" or "Any unavailable number"
    • Specific phone numbers, up to 12
  • Click Add.
  • Repeat as necessary
  • Once desired priority alert exists, select the "active" checkbox for the plan you wish to activate.
  • Click Apply.  This change is effective immediately.

To Deactivate via Portal:

  • Remove the active checkbox selection.
  • Click Apply.  The change is effective immediately.

Selective Call Acceptance

Selective Call Acceptance allows you to receive only calls that meet your pre-defined criteria. The criteria for each Selective Acceptance entry can be a list of up to 12 phone numbers or digit patterns and a specified time schedule. All criteria for an entry must be true for you to receive the call.  This feature is off by default.

To Activate via Portal:

  • Provide Description (to remember the configuration).
  • Select the following options "Accept Call" or "Do not accept call".
  • Select Time Schedule.
  • Select how to filter calls:
    • Any phone number
    • Following phone numbers:
      • Any private phone number
      • Any unavailable phone number
    • Specific phone numbers, up to 12.
  • Click Add.
  • Repeat as necessary.
  • Once a profile has been created, select the "active" checkbox, and click Apply.  This change is effective immediately.

To Deactivate via Portal:

  • Remove the active checkbox selection.
  • Click Apply.  The change is effective immediately.

Selective Call Rejection

Selective Call Rejection allows you to reject calls that meet your pre-defined criteria. These callers will be given an announcement that you cannot be reached. Use this feature to prevent nuisance calls from people you would rather not talk to. The criteria for each Selective Call Rejection entry can be a list of up to 12 phone numbers or digit patterns and a specified time schedule. All criteria for an entry must be true to reject the call.  This feature is off by default.

To Activate via Portal:

  • Provide Description (to remember the configuration).
  • Select the following options "Reject Call" or "Do not reject call".
  • Select Time Schedule.
  • Select how to filter calls:
    • Any phone number
    • Following phone numbers:
      • Any private phone number
      • Any unavailable phone number
    • Specific phone numbers, up to 12.
  • Click Add.
  • Repeat as necessary.
  • Once a profile has been created, select the "active" checkbox, and click Apply.  This change is effective immediately.

To Deactivate via Portal:

  • Remove the active checkbox selection.
  • Click Apply.  The change is effective immediately.

Sequential Ring

Sequential Ring allows you to sequentially ring up to 5 locations in addition to the base location for a specified number of rings. Their can be up to 5 locations and the feature applies to calls matching your pre-defined criteria. Use this service to ring calls from your manager, a family member, or an important customer on your cell phone, alternate business phone, or home phone. The criteria for each Sequential Ring entry can be a list of up to 12 phone numbers or digit patterns and a specified time schedule. All criteria for an entry must be satisfied for the call to enter Sequential Ring (phone number and day of week and time of day). The caller can also interrupt the search to leave a message.  If the criteria do not match, the call continues as if this service was not turned on.  This feature is off by default.

To Activate via Portal:

  • Add Description
  • Select the following options "Use sequential ring" or "Do not use sequential ring"
  • Select Time Schedule
  • Select the call filters:
    • Any phone number
    • Following phone numbers:
      • Any private number
      • Any unavailable number
    • Specific phone numbers, up to 12.
  • Click Add, repeat profile creation as necessary.
  • Click the "active" checkbox for the profile you wish to use, click Apply.
  • If you wish to use the base location first, check the box.  Otherwise leave empty
  • Select the number of rings needed for Base Location, up to 5.  Otherwise leave at default.
  • If you wish to continue to search if the base location is busy, select that checkbox.
  • If you want to give the caller the option to skip the search process, check this box.  Note: This option assumes voice messaging is available.
  • Provide up to 5 additional numbers to have the caller ring to.  Specify the amount of rings per number that is required.
  • Click Apply.  This change is effective immediately.

To Deactivate via Portal:

  • Remove the "Active" checkbox and click Apply.  The change is effective immediately.

Two-Stage Dialing

Two-Stage Dialing allows you to integrate your cell phone or PSTN landline with your services by prompting for additional dialed digits for call origination attempts if the 'Allow activation with any user address' check box is checked and the original dialed digits matches your phone number(s), extension(s) or aliases. The collected digits replace the original dialed digits and are used to complete the call. By associating your cell phone or PSTN landline with your primary device or alternate location, you can originate calls from your cell phone or PSTN landline to your service phone number and get prompted for additional digits allowing you to leverage enterprise dialing and other BroadWorks services. In addition, you can use the search button to search for more phone numbers that can be used for Two-Stage Dialing.  This feature is off by default.

To Activate via Portal:

  • Select On
  • If you wish to allow activation with any user address, mark that checkbox.
  • Provide the cell phone or PSTN landline to display when making an outbound call.
  • Click Apply.  The change is effective immediately.

To Deactivate via Portal:

  • Select Off
  • Click Apply.  The change is effective immediately.